Micheal Cumerbatch - The Pan Man

Mr. Cumerbatch is a pan teacher extraordinaire. He has been teaching music for over 40 years and his history and accomplishments with the pan and teaching young children the art of playing pan is really amazing. A teacher who have played with the biggest and brightest in art of pan music. .

A Sought After Pan Teacher Who Chooses Who He Teaches

Teaching children the art of playing the pan is a passion for Mr. Cumerbatch. According to him he teaches music, not pan. The pan is the instrument that plays the music but his style is unique. He teaches from the heart with a passion for music and the steel pan that is engrossing just to listen to him you can feel the passion.  On of his greatest accomplishments is teaching a 5 year old Indian child to beat a classical Indian tune on the pan.  She has literally amazed everyone for whom she has played.

Mr. Cumerbatch is able to choose who he teaches and The Curepe Crossing Vacation Pan Camp is fortunate to have him as their primary pan instructor.